Friday, August 24, 2012

Exploration of Cub Junior High

First, lines. There were lots of them- once you're done with this line, then you go in that line (it looked more like a giant cluster of people to me), but no biggy... I got my schedule and I'm in Debate! I don't have Music this semester- but we can't have the schedule for next semester yet.
Oh, and get this! I get to go back on Monday because I'm in the wrong math class... and I'm sure I'll take some time practicing to open and close my locker too- it'll be exciting.
I got my ASB card and my school picture taken. Gone with the days when I can mock school pictures with sideways looks, funky faces, and goofy grins. There is this new thing called a yearbook. This time, I smiled for real... and I didn't look to awful either.
On top of that, I got got paperwork for Cross Country! It doesn't look like competition distances are any more than two miles, so not much farther than track, but it'll be awesome. We start the very first day of school!

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