Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Pre-Seventh Grade Summer Bucket List

Seventh Grade: crazy, huh? Kids obsessed with their cell phones and a particularly unhealthy obsession with Axe aftershave (for the guys). It's an alternate universe from elementary school, where kickball and really awful cafeteria food reign supreme. So, in the summer before I go to this fantastical kingdom, I need to accomplish some very important things this summer. Here are all of those things. Prepare to laugh (the first one is pretty funny).

1. Go bush diving (jumping into shrubs)
2. Make entries on the "Anonymously Ours" blog Rhodo and I have created
3. Go to Late Night at the YMCA just once
4. Hug a chicken
5. Eat frozen yogurt 3+ times
6. Work on writing a novel
7. Go to the Squirting Water Park (it's this awesomeazing (amazing+awesome) place where there are these water fountains that spray out water like a volcano into these gigantic wading pools. You get SOAKED!)
8. Start randomly dancing in the middle of the mall with Hallie (Hallie is my excitingly awesomeazing friend who is going off to college in the fall)
9. Go to the movies
10. Run an un-official 400 m. (Rhodo loves to run and keeps telling me how much she likes the 400. So, I just spontaneously decided to run an un-official 400)
11.Go tubing (as in inner-tubing)
12. Do the perfect spit take with lemonade
13. Hit a bulls-eye with an arrow
14. Have a car wash
15. Go to my cousin's house and sneak into my oldest cousin's room (bonus points if I get some sort of object out of it).
16. Fist pump in the middle of my street (with no cars coming, of course!)
17. Kick the perfect, most epic kick in a game of kickball
18. Slide down a Slip N' Slide
20. Climb this really awesome tree on the little kids' playground at my old elementary school
21. Play "Party Rock Anthem" at a super high volume in the car
22. See a $1.00 movie at the movie theater close by (they play G and PG rated movies that have already come out on DVD. Yes, I know, it sounds dumb, but, hey, it's a movie for a dollar!)
23. Draw a HUGE chalk drawing on my driveway reading "GET OFF MY LAWN!!!!!!"
24. Get my cat, Marmalade, to sleep on my pillow JUST ONCE!
25. Go swimming in an outdoor pool
26. Make an album of a bunch of pictures from only this summer titled "Summer Just Had To Be Photographed"
27. Eat salmon??? (random one)
28. Do something absolutely crazy with Hallie
29. Jump off the dock at this one bay in town
30. Have the most amazing summer

Until next time, and may the odds be ever in your favor,

Zinni :)

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