Friday, August 16, 2013


Okay, I know this has absolutely nothing to do with my personal life, but it is something that just makes everybody annoyed. You could be Sally Sunshine of Candyland, USA, but when you see these people pop up on your Facebook news feed, or your Instagram feed, or you Twitter feed, or at that Spaghetti Feed you're going to later tonight (yes, I will explain this, you just have to keep reading, don't you ;) ), your Mood-o-Meter's reading drops at least 10 points. So, without further ado, let me rant by writing paragraphs about the annoying people I find on social media.

  • The Desperate Single Girl: You can recognize her. She's the one who is always sharing those pictures about romantic things that she wants to do with her future boyfriend. She can also turn on you. She will also post things like "If a man whistles at you, don't turn around. You are a lady, not a dog." That quote is perfectly fine, but after her posting all these things about how she needs a boyfriend to cuddle with her and keep her warm this winter, it gets annoying. Like, honey, go buy yourself a comfy sweater like the rest of us single people. Thanks.
  • The Person Who Still Uses Facebook on a Daily Basis: Let's face it. Facebook is old news. Instagram and Twitter are where it's at. They are the people posting status updates all the time. Please stop updating your status every five minutes. Nobody cares if you just ate a bagel.
  • #followforfollow, #likeforlike #shoutoutforshoutout #selfie #yolo #swag: THESE PEOPLE. I CAN'T EVEN GET IN TO THIS RIGHT NOW BECAUSE IT ANNOYS ME SO MUCH. FIX YO LIFE.
  • 5 Times a Day: The people who post 5+ pictures a day. And even though they get barely any likes on their pictures, they continue to do it. And do it. And do it. Until eventually you unfollow them because you realized that you wasted precious data on scrolling through what seems like endless pictures from them when you open Instagram.
  • Instafamous for No Reason: They might be somewhat "attractive." But their "inner beauty" is comparable to the frog I had to dissect in science. Slimy, nasty, something you would love to throw away and not see again. They have tons of followers. Honey, no matter how many cool effects you put on those pictures, you can't photoshop your ugly personality.
Ok, I'm just getting angered now, so I will let you digest this. Let me know what you want to see next from good 'ol cheerleading Zinni.

-ZinDog (cool nickname right?)

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